Young Forever, Mark Myman, MD

      Young Forever

   Mark Hyman MD

Eat a low starch diet with plenty of good quality fats and proteins, and a boatload of photochemical and fiber rich fruits and vegetables. 

Cycle in a period of fasting or caloric restriction with periods of high quality proteins  to maintain and build muscle is a powerful strategy for heathly living.

Perform high intensity exercise regurlary.

Active Autophagy

  ** Green Tea

 *** Promegrande

To reverse aging

 Exercise, fast, caloric reduction, improves your celss to produce energy

Sirtuins – Signaling proteins that regulate gene transcription of new proteins, lower inflammation and oxidative stress, and improve metabolism and cellular energy protection.

Increase your activity is important for a long and heathy life.

Pegan diets activate sertiens.

Try Dietary restriction -12-14 hour mini fasting.

If you want to live and long and healthy life, sugar and starch should be either eliminated or used very occasionally.

Quercetin – Found in apples and onions – Kills zombie cells.

Luteolin- Found in carrots, broccoli and onions.

Mitochondria- Combine food and oxygen to produce energy.

The best way to clean out old mitochondria is to eat whole foods, low starch and sugar, and good fat food. Incorporate Hormesis into your life.

Cold plunges or showers, aerobic exercise, strength training, and key few supplements.

Healthy gut microbiome is the key part of part of the Forever program.

Eat whole unprocessed foods, and pasture raised meats and eggs. Fatty fish.

** Phytonutrients

** Micronutrients

    Vitamin D, Zinc, magnesium

  B Vitamins, Omega3, fatty acids

  Optimum hormone level

** Adequate and ideal light exposure at the right times of the day.

Optimal Hydration

** Clean air

** Exercise

** Restorative practices- Yoga, meditation

** Sleep

** Community, love, and belonging

** Have meaning and purpose

Add the good stuff and eliminate the bad and you will achieve your own body to heal.

The most important regulator is our food. Food is medicine.

Walking 20 minutes a day, cut 40% of the risk of heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

The fitter you are, the healthier and longer you will live.

Building communities, creating belongings, working relations, and support groups, even being in a knitting or bowling group is associated with health and longevity.

Gluten is a Hugh trigger of inflammation, gut flamage, autoimmunity, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and aging itself.

Fundamental building blocks of human health.

** Nutrient dense real food.

** Optimal levels of nutrients

** Vitamins

** Minerals

** Phytonutrients

** Right balance of hormones

** Right type of exercise

** Optimal quality and duration of sleep

** Deep restoration work like mediation or deep breathing.

** The right light at the right time.

** Fresh water and air.

** Meaning and purpose

** Community, connectivity, and love.














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