What are the different types of Estimates on Construction Projects?

When you start a construction project, you should start an estimate for the construction work,

There are several estimates that you need to be aware of as you continue with your project.

Conceptual Stage

At this conceptual stage, you should start with some schematic and preliminary drawings of your desired project.

You may meet with your Architect or an experienced Design-build Firm that can provide these drawings to you.

From there, you want to inquire about the first kind of estimates,

For home builders and small commercial projects, you may want to look at a price per square foot. This square foot price would be from the General Contractor or Construction Manager's previous projects.

Conceptual Price Estimate

Another estimate would be the conceptual price method. A builder or Architect may have historical data that conceptually shows the project. 

For Instance, I was involved in building a 25-million-gallon Water treatment plant that produced 25 million gallons of water daily. Thus, their conceptual estimate was 1 million dollars per 1 million gallons per day.

These square foot or conceptual estimates give the Owner a starting place so that he or she can set the parameters and scope of work for their project while establishing a budget for their project.

The project then moves to the Preliminary design stage. This is where the designer shows the project on your property plot plan and floor plans.

At this stage, a more accurate construction takeoff of the quantities of the components that make up the project can be established. 

From these takeoff quantities, your Construction Manager can provide an estimated cost for each quantity.

The detailed construction estimate can be compared with your budget.

  • Preliminary Estimate

.Value Engineering

The Construction Manager at this time can introduce some Value Engineering options that can be reviewed and priced up.

 These would remain options for the Owner to use if their final estimate for the project is over their intended budget for the project. 

An estimate for these Value Engineering options can be established at this time.

And finally, you will have your Architect or Design-Builder finalize the drawings showing all of the necessary design including the civil design, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing design.

At this final design, you would then have the Design-build firm or Construction Manager price up the project. The final price would be the final Estimate.

At this stage, you can incorporate any Value Engineering options that may be necessary so that you can meet your desired budget.

Shettig Construction Management provides Professional Design-Build Construction Management services from the inception of your project through completion. www.shettig.com mshettig@gmail.com


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