I saved the life of a construction worker on a Jobsite, Safety Tips

 "You saved my life. This projectile flew off the roof and hit me square on top of my hard hat. If you didn't come along and tell me to put my hard hat on, I would have been killed."

                     THE REST OF THE STORY

Back in the 80's I was involved in building the Marriott at Bay Hotel and Resort in Panama City Beach, Florida.

One day I was walking the construction site. We were setting forms on the top floor for a concrete pour. 

On the first floor we began to install the Air Conditioning duct work. The tin knockers were outside the first floor assembling the duct work. 

None of them had their hard hats on.  So, I stopped them and told them to put their hard hats on. The foreman protested saying it was too hot to wear a hard hat. 

I counted and stated that there was work being performed above them and something may happen. 

They reluctantly agreed and put their hard hats on. 

I continued with my job site inspection and then returned to my office. 

About 15 minutes later the tin knocker foreman came into my office and laid down on my desk a 4x4-2' long post with 2 long spikes through it. 

"You just saved my life."

Keeping your head safe: 8 Hard Hat Safety tips.

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Shettig Construction Management provides Professional Construction Management services from the inception of your project through completion. www.shettig.com



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