The importance of Bid Package Scope of works during the Purchasing Phase of a construction project.


Bid Package Scopes during the Purchasing Phase

In my first job after graduating with a civil engineering degree from Penn State, I oversaw a $5 million Manufacturing Plant on 35 acres.

I was on site early in the construction project. We were installing forms for the large manufacturing building and installing the underground plumbing pipe in the slab.

I was in my office trailer when the Plumbing Project Manager arrived. on site. He came into the trailer at the same time that the food truck arrived at the project site. He introduced himself as Charlie Norton. He asked if I needed anything from the Food truck. I declined. He returned the trailer with a cream-filled 6” yellow cake. At that time, he was about 55 years old.

Plumbing Change Order Request

He wanted to review his contract to date. He brought out a Request for a Change Order for me to sign for $5000 for two electric drinking fountains for the manufacturing building.

During our meeting, I reviewed his change order request by reviewing the bidding documents.

Charlie explained that they only bid on the project by reviewing the plumbing drawings. The plumbing drawing showed the plan view of the manufacturing building and only showed a stub out at the electrical drinking fountain location with the notation, “EDF”.

He then showed me the Architectural drawings where the outline of the drinking fountain was shown. Therefore, he requested this change order to purchase and install these drinking fountains.

Review of the Change Request 

He spoke in a mellifluous manner. When he used words like appurtenances, he spoke each syllable in clear precise diction. I was a little shocked that a Plumbing project manager spoke with such eloquence, so I asked him before we went any further
“Charlie, what major did you study in college?
“English Literature.”
That accounted for his manner of speech.

I argued that they had all of the Contract drawings when they bid on the project which included the Architectural drawings along with the Plumbing drawings. And the Electric drinking fountains are plumbing fixtures. They were identified on the plumbing drawing with the notation, “EDF”.

Review their Original Quotation along with the Contract

And his bid did not specifically EXCLUDE these electric drinking fountains.

Therefore, I rejected his change order request.
In the end, it is imperative that the Project Manager/Estimator/Purchasing agent for the The General Contractor or the Construction Manager reviews all of the contract drawings and specifications and determines the proper scope of work for each Bid package.

Then there should be no reason a Bidding Trade Contractor cannot give a complete and accurate bid.

Review the Contractor's Quotation at Bid 

After receiving their bid, make sure that you go through the Trade Contractor’s bid to confirm that their bid is by the scope of work and the contract drawings and specifications. Please pay attention to any EXCLUSIONS and INCLUSIONS in their bid.

Shettig Construction Management provides Professional Construction Management services. from the inception of your project through completion.


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