How do you Mobilize on your Commerical Construction Project?

 Start your project off right with a 

Checklist for Mobilization of Commercial Project

Field Engineering

1. Ensure that survey information is available and accurate. Verify that there are sufficient benchmarks, monuments, and stakes to identify key points. 

Site Drawing - Commercial Project

2. Verify the requirements for field engineering for the layout of the construction project. 

Verify your property corners are set.

3. Verify that all permits and approvals have been obtained from all jurisdictional agencies.

4. Obtain a geotechnical investigation including subsurface ground moisture, bearing capacity of the soils, geological features, chemical compositions, and other items about the sub-surface conditions. 

Erosion Control & SWPPP

1. Silt Fence 

    A silt fence will be constructed on the perimeter of your lot or property to collect any soil runoff. If you have a sloped lot, then the silt fence would be at the low end of the property. 

2. Construction Entrance

 Your plan should include constructing a temporary gravel entrance or a fabricated mat. This helps prevent soil from the site being deposited on the streets. 

3. Concrete wash-out areas. 

During the concrete portion of the project, your plan should show an area where the concrete trucks can wash out their trucks. You could also use this area for your masons to wash out. 

Layout of Temporary Facilities

6. Verify the location of vehicle access and parking. Determine your overall plan for the placement of office trailers, dumpsters, storage trailers, and temporary toilets. 

Underground Utilities

7. When laying out your mobilized trailers, keep in mind the underground utilities that you will have to install. 

8. In this instance, we will have to move the trailers off site when we install the septic system. 

9. Ensure that a Job Safety Program is developed and maintained. 

10. Identify the testing agencies for your project. 

11. Ensure that you have set up temporary power. Ensure that all working conditions are provided to facilitate good workmanship and worker safety. 

12. If necessary, provide temporary perimeter security fencing. 

Shettig Construction Management provides Professional Construction Management services from the inception of your project through completion.


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